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Friday, February 22, 2013

Art of Good Living

Chandan Kumar Nandy
Art of Good Living

1. What we need to become Happy? If we think properly, practically we
will see that we need Nothing to become Happy.
2. When we will be Happy? There may be so Many aspects, but in reality
if we see, we can be Happy right from Now.
3. Live in Present. Because Young generations try to live in Future, who
do not know (but can creat and try), while Old people do not have any
future they have only Past and become unhappy. Only a small child who do
not think about future or Past but live in present enjoys living. So be in
4. If we expect somthing from some one, we may get Hurt, and because of
expectations we reduce our Pleasure. So never expect anything from anybody.
This will hinder our expectations and our Happiness. According to Bhagad
Geeta, While contemplating the objects of the senses, a person develops
attachment for them, and from such attachment lust develops, and from lust
anger arises. From anger, delusion arises, and from delusion bewilderment
of memory. When memory is bewildered, intelligence is lost, and when
intelligence is lost, one falls down again into the material pool.

5. Opposite Values are Complementary, every person, situations are
complete with some good and some Bad, and we have accept the both Good and
Bad. This is like when we come from outside from Hot sunny day to a air
condition room, we feel good, because of Hot sun. This is relative term, So
it is like Head & Tell of a Coin. We have to accept both.
6. Present situation is inavicable, what ever what ever may be the
circumstances, we have to accept the situation as it is. We may or may not
agree what is happening, but still we have to accept the present. We may
change the parameter to have different result, but that will happent in
future. But Present have to accept.
7. By not accepting any situation or a person, we put extra pressure on
our mind and thinking process, If the more retaliate, the more they will
come to mind. which is like, think everything except the doncing Monkey,
we will see that we will think only monkey and nothing else.
8. I know nothing. We should not feel proud of our knowledge. If we
Proud means we know nothing. Not feeling proudness is not the condition of
Knowledge, rather it is automatic, when we have knowledge we become

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