Subject: अमृत वचन
"मनुष्य की प्रत्येक इन्द्रिय का अपना धर्म है । उसे अपने धर्म का पालन करना चाहिये ।
आँख का धर्म है समस्त प्राणियों में ईश्वर का दर्शऩ करें । कान का धर्म है महापुरुषों की अमृतवाणी सुनना, दूसरों की अच्छाइयाँ सुनना। मुख का धर्म है सत्य और प्रिय वचन बोलना । हाथों का धर्म है सत्कर्म करना, सेवा धर्म अपनाना। प्रत्येक मनुष्य का धर्म है कि अपने प्रति, परिवार के प्रति, समाज के प्रति, राष्ट्र के प्रति अपने कर्तव्यों को पूरा करें।"
परम पूज्य सुधाँशुजी महाराज
Every human sensory organ has its own property or attribute. These attributes should exist in all people. The eye's attribute is to see God in all beings and the goodness in people. The ear's attribute is to listen to spiritual teachings of the saints. The mouth's attribute is to speak the truth and to speak sweetly. The hands' attribute is to do good deeds and to serve humanity. It is the duty of every person to utilize the attributes of one's senses towards himself, family, society and the nation.
Translated by Humble Devotee
Praveen Verma
Please tune into JUS ONE (Channel 581 on Dish network) to enjoy the Spiritual Discourses of His Holiness Shri Sudhanshuji Maharaj every day 7:00am & 8:30pm Chicago time.
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